A Visitor’s Guide to Treating Tahoe with Care.
It’s no secret that Lake Tahoe is one of the most beautiful places in the world to visit, striking awe in those who come to behold it’s beauty. As Mark Twain once said, “As it lay there with the shadows of the mountains brilliantly photographed upon its still surface, I thought it must surely be the fairest picture the whole earth affords.”
Here at Palisades Tahoe you can see the same stunning view from many points around our mountains, from Lakeview chair at Alpine, to High Camp in Olympic Valley, the crystal waters of the lake are truly a gem of this Earth.

We love to share our love for these mountains with the world, but we also want to encourage those visiting to protect the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Mountains. These are the lands of the Washoe people, the indigenous guardians and stewards of Lake Tahoe and its’ surrounding lands. The Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California continue to preserve and protect the Lake Tahoe Basin today. As we recognize the Lake Tahoe Basin as the ancestral territory of the waší∙šiw, we kindly request that you, as guests in their homeland, show the same level of respect to this land as the waší∙šiw people who inhabited it before you.
There are plenty of resources around Lake Tahoe meant to educate and preserve this area. Take Care Tahoe is a collective group of over 50 organizations that love Lake Tahoe and want to see more people connect with the natural environment. The Take Care Tahoe website has everything from info on beach cleanups, volunteer opportunities, environmental events and important initiatives to protect Tahoe’s beauty.
Palisades Tahoe supports Take Care Tahoe and it’s sustainability initiatives. Here are some of them:

1. Drink Tahoe Tap
You may not know this, but Palisades Tahoe was the first resort in North America to break up with selling plastic water bottles. Every bit of plastic that has ever been created, still exists today… scientists have found it in food, drinking water, and even the air.
We are fortunate enough to have our tap water come from one of the freshest water sources in the world, Lake Tahoe. In fact, Palisades Tahoe Elevation 8200 Water Company just won the award for Best Tasting Water! So instead of buying a plastic water bottle that will take a toll on the Earth, bring your reusable water bottle, or buy one in our retail stores here and you can fill up at one of our water stations around the resort. Since implementing our water stations we have saved over 200,000 plastic single-use bottles from entering landfills.

2. Be #1 at Picking Up #2
The Village at Palisades Tahoe is one of the few dog friendly resorts in Lake Tahoe. And while we love to meet furry friends, we also need to remember that dog waste is an environmental pollutant. There are plenty of doggie bag dispensers around the Village to help you pick-up after your four-legged amigos. To be a responsible pet owner, just remember “If it’s your dog, then it’s your doody” (Take Care Tahoe).

3. Pack it in, Pack it out
Currently, the Spring Skiing Capital is still in full swing, and will be open on the 4th of July! But eventually our mountain will transform into one of the best hiking spots in Lake Tahoe. From peaks, to waterfalls, wildflowers and more there is so much to see and do year-round at Palisades Tahoe. So whether you are out on the slopes riding for a day, or hiking the beloved Shirley Canyon, please make sure that any trash you bring out with you makes it into a designated trash or recycling bin. Biodegradable materials like banana peels, apple cores or coffee ground will not break down in our climate, so please dispose of them properly in the bins.